New times demand new texts for PVCC’s Journalism Program

For over 10 years, PVCC’s journalism classes have been using Bruce Itule and Douglas Anderson’s news writing text, “News Writing and Reporting for Today’s Media”  for its News Writing class. We moved from the fourth to the seventh edition with Itule and Douglas and might have gone farther had new editions kept coming a pace with industry’s changes .  But they have not.

After reviewing several texts in search of powerful voices, I have found The One. What does it have that I like?

• mastery of classic  journalism,
• realism about how the industry now struggles,
• a prophetic voice pointing the way to the future.

Not least of all, I like that it has a copyright date of 2010. The text is “Telling The Story” by the Missouri Group comprised of professors Brian Brooks, George Kennedy, Daryl Moen and Don Ranly of the University of Missouri at Columbia’s School of Journalism, long recognized as a leader in this field. I’m excited about revamping the News Writing course with the support of this new text.